Eshopps Hang on Back Protein Skimmer Review

View On Amazon Tank Size Noise Level Longevity Price Rating up to 75 Gallons Low 3+ Years Medium-low 6/10 After using Eshopp’s fantastic overflow box for my bedroom tank, I was really excited to try out the Eshopp’s Protein skimmer. While it did a great job making skimmate after adjusting, it would often need re-adjusting. … Read more Eshopps Hang on Back Protein Skimmer Review

Ekostore Remote Controlled LED Review

Ekostore Remote Controlled LED View On Amazon Size Fits Aquariums Watts LEDs Average Lifetime Color Options 19.5″ 12″-19.5″ 6 Watts 36 LEDs 2.5-3 Years 32 The Ekostore strikes the perfect balance between high power, low cost and energy efficient, making it one of if not the best starter light for aquarists everywhere. The housing of … Read more Ekostore Remote Controlled LED Review