A detailed review of the most prominent heaters in the aquatic world. Find the perfect heater for your tank based on reliability, durability, strength, cost and other important bits of info.
For all those getting the standard 10 gallon tanks, this page is for you!
For tanks between 1 and 5 gallons
For those tanks pushing past the standard 10 gallons, these heaters are perfect for the 17-20 gallon aquarium sizes.
A lot like the aquarium heater guide above, but specialized for 30 gallon tanks.
Keep heaters from frying your tank due to defects and gain some peace of mind for your valuable tanks using heater controllers.
Picking out the right size to keep our tansk warm without heating them too quickly is the most important part of selecting your aquarium heater. This page has tables and graphs of the 10 most popular models, giving you exact number on the gallons they can heat.
These heaters attatch to a tube, heating water as it passes by. Perfect for removing clutter from the tank.
An alternative to the hyfor model. It costs a bit more but has a few different features, like the digital display.
Cheap, effective but short lived, the Sunsun heater has a different use to the more advanced aquarists.
Learn a little bit about safety and why it is so important to keep our heaters submerged when powered.
For all those times when you need to add up every single expense I've created a handy table that will give you a great estimate on how much your heater is costing you each month/year.